Thursday, February 12, 2009

busy busy baby mama!

I swear I will tell my birth story soon, but as you can imagine, I have no time! Long story short, I wanted a natural birth, but ended up with a c-section. I did labor for about 44 hours without any drugs, but hospital stuff led me down the road to all sorts of things, which ended up in a c-section. All in all, I am happy that we had a healthy baby and at the end of the day, I don't care how he came out. Recovering from the c-section started slow and was initially very difficult but now I am feeling much better. I should be 100% in about 4 weeks...apparently it takes 6 weeks to fully recover. More soon!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I had a baby!
Angus Anton North was born on Jan 27th at 7:24 am.
Hair: color tbd, maybe reddish blonde/brown?
Eyes: Blue

Gory details coming soon!